A financial contribution to Lighthouse Central Florida doesn’t just benefit our clients who live with sight impairment, your investment is one that positively impacts our entire community through the productive contributions made by skilled Lighthouse graduates.

We at Lighthouse Central Florida view you NOT as a donor, but as an investment partner.
We live in a world where nonprofits are struggling to find funding amid growing competition and diminishing available dollars. A recovering but still weakened economy combined with the constant emergence of new nonprofits often make it difficult to stand out from the crowd and recruit new investment partners. We understand that you are savvy about how you spend your charitable dollars and that you are more interested in the social return on investment your hard-earned dollars will bring.The creation of our social enterprise, Lighthouse Works, means that people living with blindness and vision loss have the opportunity to be trained and hired in meaningful, competitive employment. It also means that we’re able to generate revenue and redeploy it to support our programs. Essentially, we are doing our part to pay our own way and not rely solely on traditional charitable giving from corporations, foundations or government agencies.
We are in the midst of substantial growth and are excited to hit the goals outlined in our five year plan—but we still need your support. Until we are fully self-sufficient, we will occasionally ask for your investment to help us ensure that Central Floridians, of all ages, who live with vision loss, have the resources they need to live full, independent lives.
Here are a few examples of what your investment could do:
- $100 a month could cover the cost of individualized orientation & mobility training
- $500 could cover the entire cost of an Early Intervention graduation ceremony
- $1000 could cover one week of transportation costs for all Transition students (ages 13-22) participating in experiential learning—that’s 30 students!
- $5000 could fully stock an instructional kitchen for an entire year with food, adaptive devices, talking microwaves, cutting boards and the like.
- $10,000 could provide 4 CCTV magnifiers for our clients who are low-vision.
- $15,000 could provide 10 LightAide devices for the children in our Early Intervention & Children's Program.
Find out more about investment opportunities by contacting Martha Mannarino, at 407-898-2483 x 297 or