We sincerely believe that empowering an individual to live a fully independent life beyond the restrictions of vision loss is a mission worthy of a planned gift. If you agree, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss options that work best for your situation.
A stack of documents with a header that says Living Trust and Estate Planning
Ralph Sockman once said: "What makes greatness is starting something that lives after you." Making a bequest is your legacy to the people and organizations you hold dear. Remember Lighthouse Central Florida in your Estate Plans - Join the Legacy Society!

Unfortunately, about half of all Americans do not have a will. You can put your affairs in order for those you care about by contacting your attorney or trust officer, who will discuss the many options available to you.

Example of a General Legacy Statement:
I __________ devise and bequeath to Lighthouse Central Florida, Inc., a non-profit agency registered in the State of Florida, the sum of $ __________ (or otherwise describe the gift; often a percentage of the estate is designated) to be used in the furtherance of its mission and general purposes.
Memorial or Tribute Donations:
Image of a candle representing a memorialAny gift to Lighthouse Central Florida can be specially designated as a tribute in honor of a person or special occasion. Likewise, gifts may be made in memory of a deceased loved one as a way of showing love and respect while helping the Lighthouse mission at the same time.

Real Estate Gifts:
Image of a hand cradling a house representing real estateWhen you make an outright, irrevocable gift of real property to Lighthouse Central Florida, Inc., you may be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction equal to the full, fair market value of the property. You may also save on capital gains and, as well, receive a large charitable deduction.

Gifts of Stock:
Image of a stock chart showing increase in valueDonating appreciated assets (Stocks, Bonds or Securities) can avoid federal capital gains taxes and provides a federal income tax deduction for the current market value of the gift.

Gifts Through Retirement Plans:
Image piggy bank representing retirementIf you have accrued funds in a company pension plan or IRA beyond your needs for a secure retirement, you should consider making a gift from your account to Lighthouse Central Florida, Inc. As a side benefit, such a gift may lower estate taxes through the charitable deduction it provides.

Image question markIf you have further questions Martha Mannarino, head of Fund Development Special Projects, is available to work with you and your professional advisors to develop gift strategies suitable for you. You can contact Martha at 407-898-2483 x 297 or