We sincerely believe that empowering an individual to live a fully independent life beyond the restrictions of vision loss is a mission worthy of a planned gift. If you agree, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss options that work best for your situation.

Ralph Sockman once said: "What makes greatness is starting something that lives after you." Making a bequest is your legacy to the people and organizations you hold dear. Remember Lighthouse Central Florida in your Estate Plans - Join the Legacy Society!
Unfortunately, about half of all Americans do not have a will. You can put your affairs in order for those you care about by contacting your attorney or trust officer, who will discuss the many options available to you.
Example of a General Legacy Statement:
I __________ devise and bequeath to Lighthouse Central Florida, Inc., a non-profit agency registered in the State of Florida, the sum of $ __________ (or otherwise describe the gift; often a percentage of the estate is designated) to be used in the furtherance of its mission and general purposes.
Unfortunately, about half of all Americans do not have a will. You can put your affairs in order for those you care about by contacting your attorney or trust officer, who will discuss the many options available to you.
Example of a General Legacy Statement:
I __________ devise and bequeath to Lighthouse Central Florida, Inc., a non-profit agency registered in the State of Florida, the sum of $ __________ (or otherwise describe the gift; often a percentage of the estate is designated) to be used in the furtherance of its mission and general purposes.