"Self-advocacy is one of the biggest goals in the Transition program. We want young people to learn to speak up for themselves and know that it’s okay to ask for help.”

How Transition Services Help Your Teen
Transition services are provided to students age 14 through 22 that are currently being served by the school system under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Lighthouse Central Florida employs an expanded core curriculum, which complements the IEP, but also extends into vocational training and social experiences for the student.The Transition program provides students with skills and experience to facilitate successful transition from high school to post-secondary activities, such as college, vocational school and employment. Through summer work programs to job coaching and Access Technology training, transition services promote personal and professional advancement and help teens compete with their sighted peers and achieve future self-sufficiency.
Everyday skills to promote independence are also addressed including: cooking, future planning, learning strategies, use of remaining vision, orientation and mobility, problem solving, social skills, sports/leisure and work exploration. The transitions program engages students to go beyond their wildest expectations, which builds an “I can do anything” mindset needed given the obstacles they face. Activities such as skydiving, white-water rafting and rock-climbing are just a few of the activities our students experience further teaching them that no obstacle is too great to overcome.
Group sessions occur twice per month and individualized instruction is available to students throughout the week. Transition services provide participants with the opportunity to develop positive self-esteem, independence and employability skills.

Mikayla's Story
Mikayla considers herself to a product of “the wonderful programming that happens every day at Lighthouse.” Mikayla first came to Lighthouse when she was just eight years old and enrolled in the children's program — at the time it was known as the Can Too program. When funded ended for this program Mikayla’s parents were forced to find another place for her to learn. When Mikayla turned 13 however, she returned to Lighthouse and entered the Transition for Teens program.“Lighthouse’s amazing staff showed me that I can pretty much do anything to which I set my mind. They taught me how to be a successful leader and independent person in our society,” Mikayla recalls. Mikayla graduated from high school in 2015 and is currently attending the University of Florida. “Lighthouse provided me with so many amazing opportunities that have all turned into memorable experiences. They have also helped me build my confidence by getting me work experience in which I learned what it’s like to be in different work environments and how to act professionally! All of these activities have helped me grow as a person and broadened my horizons to what a rich and dynamic future awaits!”

Transition services are provided to students age 14 through 22 that are currently being served by the school system under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Lighthouse employs an expanded core curriculum which complements the IEP, but also extends into vocational training and social experiences for the student.

Everyday skills to promote independence are addressed in Transition program including: cooking, future planning, learning strategies, use of remaining vision, orientation and mobility, problem solving, social skills, sports/leisure and work exploration.

Group sessions occur twice per month and individualized instruction is available to students throughout the week. Transition services provide participants with the opportunity to develop positive self-esteem, independence and employability skills.