The directors that make up the Lighthouse Central Florida board support the work of this organization and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance aligned with our core values.

Doug Weiner


SVP/Commercial Real Estate Team Lead, SouthState Bank

“I joined the Board of Lighthouse Central Florida to assist in their mission of empowering people, who are blind and visually impaired, with the skills they need to live an independent and fulfilling life.”

Andrew “Crane” Holland


Senior Vice President, Regions Bank

“I joined the Board of Directors to make an impact in the community in which I was raised. It is my hope to develop and deliver strategic growth objectives for Lighthouse and continue to share our mission with partners across Central Florida.”

Emily Reardon


Of Counsel, The Law Office of Julie Lewis Hauf

“Lighthouse Central Florida is very important to my family and has played a crucial role in our son’s life. When presented the opportunity to give back to this organization I embraced the chance.”

Joey Down


Founder/CEO, Polaris Technology Group

"The mission and purpose of Lighthouse Central Florida is personal to me as the organization seeks to advocate for and support myself and others like me”

Glenn Hitchcock


Retired, Software Engineer

“As a person living with Retinitis Pigmentosa, I have a deep understanding of what challenges those dealing with blindness and low vision are going through. I serve on the Lighthouse board to assist in growing the organization so that they can help as many as possible in my community dealing with vision loss. My goal is to ensure that people are aware of our services and that we are here to help provide tools to improve their quality of life.”

Samantha Lombardi


Operations Manager, HCA Healthcare

“I choose to serve with Lighthouse of Central Florida because I believe in their mission, and vision. I want to help persons who are experiencing vision loss live their life to the fullest, and I think Lighthouse of Central Florida can provide the tools and resources to do just that. As a board member I feel that I am able to make the largest contribution and support this organization, in order to give back to the members of the community it serves.”

Cathy Matthews


Director, Matthews Systems Engineering

“As a mom of a vision impaired son, I have seen firsthand the impact of Lighthouse, and I want to do whatever I can to help further their cause.”

Stephen Salley


Retired, Attorney

"I hope to use my legal and nonprofit experience to help an organization to which I am so powerfully drawn."

Dan Spoone


Retired, Siemens

"I joined Lighthouse Central Florida's Board of Directors to promote independence for blind and visually impaired people within our integrated community."

Nancy L. Urbach


Tax Director, Rehmann

“I joined the board of Lighthouse because I loved the idea of the unique social enterprise, Lighthouse Works, providing the funding needed to run Lighthouse Central Florida, while in the process employ people who are blind or visually impaired.”
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Drupal\captcha\Service\CaptchaService::insertCaptchaElement() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/modules/captcha/captcha.module on line 224 in Drupal\captcha\Service\CaptchaService->insertCaptchaElement() (line 70 of modules/captcha/src/Service/CaptchaService.php).
Drupal\captcha\Service\CaptchaService->insertCaptchaElement(Array, NULL, Array) (Line: 224)
captcha_form_alter(Array, Object, 'webform_submission_request_a_speaker_node_158_add_form') (Line: 539)
Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler->alter('form', Array, Object, 'webform_submission_request_a_speaker_node_158_add_form') (Line: 836)
Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilder->prepareForm('webform_submission_request_a_speaker_node_158_add_form', Array, Object) (Line: 278)
Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilder->buildForm(Object, Object) (Line: 61)
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormBuilder->getForm(Object, 'add') (Line: 1190)
Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform->getSubmissionForm(Array) (Line: 78)
call_user_func_array(Array, Array) (Line: 100)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doTrustedCallback(Array, Array, 'Render #pre_render callbacks must be methods of a class that implements \Drupal\Core\Security\TrustedCallbackInterface or be an anonymous function. The callback was %s. Support for this callback implementation is deprecated in 8.8.0 and will be removed in Drupal 9.0.0. See', 'silenced_deprecation', 'Drupal\Core\Render\Element\RenderCallbackInterface') (Line: 781)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doCallback('#pre_render', Array, Array) (Line: 372)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doRender(Array, ) (Line: 200)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->render(Array) (Line: 501)
Drupal\Core\Template\TwigExtension->escapeFilter(Object, Array, 'html', NULL, 1) (Line: 98)
__TwigTemplate_27acf00f19bb5dcc03b9950fd934c52c32c872216c2830e842e26a5fab5bc00b->doDisplay(Array, Array) (Line: 455)
Twig\Template->displayWithErrorHandling(Array, Array) (Line: 422)
Twig\Template->display(Array) (Line: 434)
Twig\Template->render(Array) (Line: 64)
twig_render_template('core/themes/stable/templates/field/field.html.twig', Array) (Line: 384)
Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManager->render('field', Array) (Line: 431)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doRender(Array) (Line: 444)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doRender(Array, 1) (Line: 200)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->render(Array, 1) (Line: 156)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->Drupal\Core\Render\{closure}() (Line: 573)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->executeInRenderContext(Object, Object) (Line: 157)
Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->renderPlain(Array) (Line: 536)
Drupal\node\Plugin\Search\NodeSearch->indexNode(Object) (Line: 500)
Drupal\node\Plugin\Search\NodeSearch->updateIndex() (Line: 181)
call_user_func_array('search_cron', Array) (Line: 392)
Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler->invoke('search', 'cron') (Line: 236)
Drupal\Core\Cron->invokeCronHandlers() (Line: 134)
Drupal\Core\Cron->run() (Line: 75)
Drupal\Core\ProxyClass\Cron->run() (Line: 65)
Drupal\automated_cron\EventSubscriber\AutomatedCron->onTerminate(Object, 'kernel.terminate', Object)
call_user_func(Array, Object, 'kernel.terminate', Object) (Line: 111)
Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.terminate', Object) (Line: 88)
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 32)
Stack\StackedHttpKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 672)
Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 22)